For the LOVE of children.

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."-Matthew 19:14

Please feel free to share PRIMARY PHUNNYS of the children in your lives by emailing me at and I will include it in the blog.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Reverent Spotlight

In Primary a child is chosen to be a "Reverent Spotlight". The child chosen is asked to be the spotlight because they were reverent, and an "about me" form is read. A parent fills out the form for the Primary Presidency. It includes the child's likes: favorite food, sports played, instrument he/she plays, etc.. and a cute story is included.

The Primary President stood up to give hints as to who was the "Reverent Spotlight". Her hint was the child had 'yellow hair'. A conversation ensues:

A boy turns to a girl, and says, "It's you."

She says, "No, it isn't. I have brown hair. I think it's you because your hair is yellow."

Boy replies, "My hair is not yellow. It's blond."

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